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Tuesday, January 22, 2013


the mornings that you're not here
find me famished
but i can't eat
though hollow from the nights before

in the afternoons i lose all senses
with petal-less gardens
and imprints in the blades of grass
reminders of where we lay

but it's the nights i miss you most
the interminable nights of intolerable empty
where i hide in sorrow
in the darkest corners of the gloom

4 thoughts:

Rebecca said...

The heart that hurts like this is one that loves like no other. <3

Peter said...

you just like my music...garnet <3

Rebecca said...

I had to return because this poem has been on my mind all afternoon. The second stanza is so lovely and the imagery it left inside me was so very poignant. I think I may have used the wrong word earlier. I said the heart that "hurts" like this is one that loves like no other. I think I should have said the heart that yearns like this loves like no other.

And yes, I do love your music, too, but your poetry penetrates my very soul and keeps me coming back andYEARNING for more.

Peter said...

beautiful comments, thank you rebecca. do keep coming back, i yearn to see more ;)