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Saturday, May 18, 2013

2008 (remembered)

it has to end
this culture of fear
he says
with audacity
and courage
a culture of confidence
they line up for blocks
around cobbled corners
just to see him
just to hear him speak
youth, without colour,
no time to waste on hate
even the jaded the cynical
warming to hope and change
bobby kennedy magic
and eldrige cleaver soul
rising up again
lighting the way

so here's to you america
and a parting cheer
l'chaim "to life"
and the end of fear.

2 thoughts:

Rebecca said...

I remembered. One of America's shining moments, for sure. Thank you for this. Now if we can only get him to make hockey our national sport, he'd be a true hero in my book. ;)

peter said...

thanks for your late night comment,but i don't think the man can be torn away from basketball to watch the greatest game on earthy ice. :)