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Saturday, December 8, 2012


i was a mere simple boy

when simple meant simple joy

and now being simple's

not simple anymore

life became so complicated

and at times so desperate(d)

it came to a crisis

of my head

but i was a mere simple boy

when simple meant simple joy

and new being simple's

not simple anymore

it's hard to imagine

all gone like a phantom

the quest i was on

to be me

but i was a mere simple boy

when simple meant simple joy

and now being simple's

not simple anymore

if trust were a gamble

it gave out like a sample

into a hungry mouth

cracking teeth

i was a mere simple boy

when simple meant simple joy

and now being simple's

not me.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

lizards ;)

scars across the brain you say
what an atypical finding
seems the wheels you set in motion
are causing bilateral grinding
to think that what you feared
is not much more than headaches
leads me only to speculate that
suffering fools gladly medicates

Saturday, September 29, 2012

me again soon

it's been awhile
since i've written
must be your smile
i was missin
i was on trial
had been bitten
it's on file
i'd been sittin
many a mile
i kept hidden
now there's a pile
of me unwritten
i'll not beguile
i'll be me
or without
the swoon
to the
espeically if i can write again in free but expensive verse, not this terse, it's the worse(t)