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Saturday, January 25, 2014

urgent memo to the sane

is nothing to revello in
that would be chocolate covered icecream
it's only a pause
beteween crazy
and less crazy
more or less crazy but that's the idea
as in crazy/sane/less crazy/sane/crazy...
the psychopaths, the sociopaths
they're warriors, release them, on the enemies
the artists, the dreamers
they're creators, increase them, on the friendlies.
to the conformists
the rule abiders
those not caught
                                                                                                              can't tolerate
even though it's free
and lines written like this, DOESN'T it BUG you?
and if it weren't for the crazies
we'd still be flat earth
congratulations flat earth society members. you are
the standard bearers
like those who believe there is a g(odd)
who persist in preaching right or wrong
with no pause
who/which delivers the crazies to heaven
waaaaaaay the hell up there somewhere not way the hall downstairs somewhere ONLY
if they repent and false witness and act as if their own stupid little lives are one in eight billion special
and, wait for it...blessed.
so sanity isn't all that it's cracked up to be
the cracked up and being are the crazies
who suffer needlessly the sane
in a closet society.
slam the door lightly when you go,


2 thoughts:

Rebecca said...

well said and something only crazies would understand. preach on. ♥

me.crazy said...

amen sister.