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Thursday, September 5, 2013

beauty (for beautiful)

outer beauty is easy
you're either born with it
or medicine can take care of it
either way
someone will always find someone physically beautiful

inner beauty is not so easy
not so sure you are born with it
or if medicine can take care of it
either way
someone will always find fault
even if it's only yourself

beauty can be coloured with rainbows
or camouflaged with puppies
but that's artificial and not critical thinking
it has to be formed from a vision
of you
by you
that is not stable on quicksand
but formed on Precambrian Shield
rock-hard truth

and this formation can be built
over weaker truths
over past regrets
over hurting memories
like addictions
only if you really, really, real y
want it

and i know you have it
for i have found it in you
through the dark illusions
the pain, the suffering,
the giving not returned
the resistance to embrace it

and all i can do
is hope you find it too.

4 thoughts:

Rebecca said...

if i said this was beautiful would that be ridiculous? it took me this long to comment. i had to think about it and read it over and over. such a moving and validating poem, which is what someone needs in a huge way when they feel so unvalidated. simple concept really. no medication could do what this poem just did. you're nothing short of an extraordinary human being who deserves everything good in the world.

me said...

you were the inspiration, so if you said this was beautiful it could very well be ridiculous, but i doubt it ;)

Peter said...

why am i calling myself me on me own blog, that's a better question.

Rebecca said...

here it is almost november 5th and thinking it's all still ridiculous as ever. wish you wrote more...