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Sunday, June 27, 2010

lush green sea

the green sea glistened in the rapture of a diamond sun
peridot shimmered upon the surface like crown jewels
the darkest forest was replete with emerald lichen
and my soaring heart was golden as a fool's
for i had tasted the day in a richly ravenous way
held close the sweet sweet night in soft embrace
i had been to the summit where the ospreys play
dared to plummet for my food's delicious taste
these happiest of days are now sodered and adorned
with sterling stars framing love lust mythically
i race my heart out over canyons in the moon's forlon
and breathless surface like blue fin whale in lush green sea.

4 thoughts:

Rebecca said...

And here I thought this was going to be another poem about your Aunt Glo. This is exquisite in every line, but I have to say that I particularly love:

and my soaring heart was golden as a fool's

I think because my heart soars like that oh so often.

Such a gorgeous write, Peter, as you never cease to amaze in doing so. I hope you hold on to that heart and protect it. It is precious.

peter said...

thank you. i don't normally write in rhyme, but i thought this had a nice rhythm to it that suited it.

Unknown said...

I have to tell you this one is one of my favorites because it includes so much I love..the sea, the moon, the many things. I may have to come back and read this one again and again.

peter said...

i like to write about the sea too. i've spent many summer vacations on the east coast, from newfoundland and nova scotia to maine and north carolina. i can't get enough.